Returns & Cancellation
CANCELLATION (if an order has not been dispatched)
You can cancel an order up to 1 working day before the requested delivery date. After this, we may have already dispatched your gift. If you have selected Next Working day delivery then we could have already processed your order so it isn’t always possible.
For orders over the Christmas period with delivery dates in December, we will require a longer notice period of up to 10 working days.
If we receive notice of your cancellation later than the above, it may be too late to halt the delivery. To cancel your order if the goods have already been dispatched, please notify our customer services team by email:, and we will instruct you on the next steps.
We try our best to package your items carefully but sometimes thinsg don’t always go to plan! In the event of damaged goods, the Purchaser should contact Mubarak London within 48 hours of receipt of the Goods. Customers are required to email with the subject heading DAMAGED GOODS and provide a picture and details of what the damage is. Mubarak London will replace or refund the items concerned based on the findings.
If we have sent you an incorrect item, please note that this could be because the original item was out of stock or discontinued. For this reason, we would have replaced it with a product with the same value or greater.
If however, you think this was not a replacement and human error then please contact us within 5 days and advise of the incorrect item. So long as the item is in its original state way we will replace it for free and bare the cost of the return.