Here is a little more detail about the beautiful pieces we have selected to choose from in this collection:
Raining Mercy (Ayatul Kursi)
This painting symbolizes the mercy that is showered on us when we visit the Holy Kaaba. The gold and silver symbolize the powerful Ayat ul Kursi which has said to be from the thresholds of Allah’s throne. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “I have been given Ayat ul Kursi from the treasures under the Arsh of Allah and it was not given to anyone before me”
It’s been said that Allah sends down one hundred and twenty blessings in the precinct of the Kaaba:
- Six for those who circumambulate
- Forty or those who worship
- Twenty for those who look at it
The Hurricane (Surah Fatiha)
The movement, colours and texture symbolize the transformation of the Black Stone named Hajaru Aswad (placed on the Kaaba). The stone use to be as white as milk when it was brought down to earth from Jannah but it gradually turned black as it came in contact with the sinful people of this world. It’s been said that Allah SWT responds to the believer when he recites Surah Fatiha and so, this surah adorns the painting to imply that Allah swt’s mercy overpowers his anger. Let’s call upon him for forgiveness.
99 Names of Allah
“Allah swt has 99 names and anyone who learns them will enter paradise”- Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Faith changes the way we understand reality.
With the current global situation, it’s easy to look at things the way everyone sees them. We have to look at any trial such as the current one with the lense of Imaan.
Iman is more than believing in God. Each of His names is suited for every situation.
He is al-Wali, guardian, “my friend who will protect me”
He is Ar-Razzaq, the provider, “He will provide for me”.
No matter how unsafe everyone else feels, “I know Allah is there and he will protect me”. We should review the names of Allah to attain comfort and strengthen our Imaan. While everyone is in a state of hysteria, we can stay calm because we have Imaan.
Islam isn’t just about trusting Allah and sitting back. He teaches us caution. Use common sense. Our religion teaches us responsibility. Do what you have to do but stay true to your morals. This current trial may affect our livelihood, health, safety etc. It may disrupt our life in many ways… But remember to always have a good opinion of Allah. Think back at all the times you were in a difficult situation and remember how he brought you out of it.
So how can we entertain the thought that he will abandon us now?
Reviewing the names of Allah and understanding the meanings will help provide comfort and strengthen our faith inshaAllah
Powerful Protection
Inspired by the concept of a shield that guards a believer who recites the 4 Quls with complete faith in Allah swt.
The last four Surahs in the Holy Quran are short yet very heavy as the benefits they provide are significant to the believer. These four Quls are known to provide “powerful protection”. Hence, this painting symbolizes the concept of a shield that guards a believer who recites these surahs with complete faith in Allah SWT. See how the painting is heavy in textures & movement yet the ayahs are guarded.
Benefits of Reciting 4 Quls:
Surah Ikhlaas: Equivalent to reciting 1/3rd of the Quran. Prophet Muhammad loved this Surah. Reciting this Surah 200 times a day will wipe away 50 years of sins unless one is in debt (Tirmidhi).
Also, Surah Ikhlaas is pure Tawheed which explains the immense benefits. Prophet Muhammad PBUH has said, “The love for this Surah will admit you into Jannah.” (Tirmidhi).
Surah Khafiroon: Equivalent to reciting a quarter of the Quran. Protects from shirk.
Surahs Falaq and Naas: Protection from all kinds of worldly evil such as envy, black magic & jinns.
Inspired by the story of Owais Al Qarni, a man who cared for his mother and became one of the people of Paradise.
This man sacrificed the status of a Sahabah. A Sahabah is a companion or even someone who saw the Prophet PBUH and believed in him (and died a Muslim). When Owais had the opportunity to migrate and meet the Prophet PBUH, he turned it down because he had to take care of his mother. He had devoted his life to his mother and didn’t want to leave her behind. The Prophet PBUH said to the companions, “This man is unknown among the people but known in the skies… When he makes dua, it is granted. On the day of judgement, he will be allowed to bring 200,000 people with him into paradise… Ali and Umar, if you are ever to find this man, ask him to make dua for you and ask Allah for your forgiveness”.
Two most important lessons from this story: the value of a mother in Islam and the reward of sacrificing something for Allah SWT.
Surah Al-Fatiha adorns this painting because it’s the mother of the Qur’an. The patterns above the Surah depict mother birds -as they symbolize motherhood: love, nourishment and protection. The bottom of the painting symbolizes the endless tears and sleepless nights endured by a mother.
All artwork comes packaged with a description card that states the story behind the original painting so your recipient can feel that much more connected to it.
In addition to making this box even more special, we have included some delightful edible treats that are sweet and savoury.